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We concern ourselves with antique lanterns, pressure lamps, camping stoves, and other collectibles items and accessories.
In our shop you can find whatever you need - if not, we'll find it for you! So do not hesitate to contact us if you are looking for something special!




Manufacturer of the Primus brand was B.A. Hjort Co AB Stockholm, Sweden. The company has existed since 1889 and since 1892 petroleum pressure cookers invented by F.W. Lundquist, which, however, was still in J.V. Svensson were built.

The stoves were soon followed by blowtorches and other heating devices, as well as high-power lamps. Svensson soon changed the company name to Primus AB. In 1918 Primus AB was then replaced by B.A. Hjort taken over and integrated into the Bahco group of companies.

In the 1960s it was taken over by Optimus AB and later by AB Sievert Apparater, from which Primus-Sievert AB emerged. Today, Primus AB is part of the Fenix Outdoor Group, which also includes Fjällräven, Brunton and Hanwag.

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